Alphalytics and The Sirrus Group have merged with Patient Accounts Services to form Acclara Solutions. Together we help hospitals, health systems, and physician practices recover more revenue more quickly.

Finance/Revenue Cycle

  • Predict where denials are likely to occur next and drive the operational change needed to reduce denial rates
  • Understand what non-obvious factors are correlated and contributing to your initial denial rate
  • Get denial overturn rates with associated net revenue
  • Benchmark on a payer-to-payer and peer-to-peer basis
  • Aggregate disparate data streams into one analytic application that delivers the revenue cycle decision support needed in today's climate
  • Audit of your final denial rate
  • Storage of your claim & remittance data within one application

As a revenue cycle leader, you want to gauge the denial risk of an account before the claim leaves your organization. You want denial issues and trends identified by payer, at the plan and service level to give pointed direction as to where the originating denial issues lie. You want to know about the hidden denial patterns that are attributing to your net revenue leakage. You want your revenue analyst team working in just that capacity, and getting away from simply preparing reports. Finally, you want to view commonalities among your peers with respect to denial patterns, and see where your organization stands out from the rest of the pack.

Alphalytics will give you the strategic lens that is sorely needed when it comes to denials avoidance. It will provide your Revenue Integrity team with specific areas of revenue-risk to focus efforts to correct the originating issue(s). It complements your current denials management and workflow systems as it highlights initial denial issues based on predictive modeling and leaves the claim-by-claim management to your existing systems. Benchmarking will provide you with comparative analysis of initial denial rate at the peer group and payer level